Formatting Guideline

Formatting and layout contribute significantly to the readability and maintainability of the codebase. These guidelines should be adhered to consistently throughout the project.

We have prepared a IntelliJ Code Style definition incorporating all formatting rules outlined on this page.


Indentations should be made with 4 spaces. This applies to classes, methods, and blocks of code enclosed in braces {}. Avoid using tabs.

public class Sample {

    public void method() {
        // 4 space indentation



“K & R style” braces should be used. Opening braces don’t go on their own line and they do go on the same line as the code before them.

class ExampleClass {

    void exampleMethod() {
        if (condition) {
            // statements
        } else {
            // statements


An if, if-else, while, do-while, for statement should always brace its body. Exception: If the entire body of the if, if-else, while, do-while, for statement fits on one line, it may optionally be left un-braced.

if ( condition ) {

// Or optionally:
if ( condition ) return;

Vertical whitespace

Two lines of vertical whitespace should surround:

  • Method definitions:
    public Constructor() {
        this( 0 );
    public Constructor( final int foo ) {
    private void foo() {
    private void bar() {

One line of vertical whitespace should surround:

  • Initializers:
    private static final int INT;
    static {
        INT = 2;
    public final String var;
  • Class definitions:
    public class Mess {
        public static class Foo {
        protected class Bar {

Horizontal whitespace

Add a single space within:

  • Array initializer braces:
    int[] X = new int[] { 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 87, 1213, 2 };
  • Parentheses in method declarations and calls:
    public void foo( int x, int y ) {
    foo( 5, i );
  • Parentheses in control structures:
    if ( 0 < x && x < 10 ) {
    for ( int i = 0; i < x; i++ ) {
    while ( x != y ) {
    switch ( e.getCode() ) {
    try ( MyResource r1 = getResource() ) {
    } catch ( MyException e ) {
    synchronized ( this ) {

Deviations from these guidelines

While these style conventions are intended as guidelines rather than strict rules, adhering to them is crucial for maintaining a consistent, understandable, and easily navigable codebase. Deviations from these guidelines should be rare and well-justified.

The fundamental objective of these guidelines is to enhance the clarity and maintainability of our code. Therefore, if strict adherence to these guidelines compromises these objectives, and deviation provides a clear benefit, it is acceptable to diverge. In such cases, the justification should be evident in the clarity and comprehensibility of the code itself.

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