Kernel Management

Upon opening a notebook, a kernel is automatically initiated if one isn’t already running. When you close a notebook, you’ll be prompted to shut down the associated kernel.

For optimal performance and resource management, it’s advisable to shut down any kernels that are no longer in use.

Dashboard Overview

When you access the Notebooks Tab in Polypheny-UI or navigate to the root folder, a dashboard appears. This dashboard provides:

  • Real-time status of the Jupyter Server
  • An option to restart the Docker container hosting the server
  • A list of all active kernels, along with the number of users connected to each.

You can conveniently shut down all unnecessary kernels at once to minimize resource consumption.

Understanding Sidebar Icons

In the left sidebar, icons next to files and folders indicate their type—be it a notebook, file, or folder. The color of the notebook icon provides additional information:

  • White: No kernels are currently running.
  • Green: A previously used kernel is active. You can open the notebook with this kernel in a single click.
  • Red: A kernel that hasn’t been used in the current browser session is running. This usually means another user is accessing the notebook. Clicking on the notebook will prompt you to either create a new kernel or select an existing one.
Multiple users can interact with the same kernel simultaneously. However, be aware that notebook content isn’t updated in real-time for all users. Changes are only reflected upon saving.
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