JDBC Driver - Relational Rows

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The PolyRow object in the Polypheny JDBC Multimodel Extension represents an individual row in a relational result set. Each PolyRow object contains a set of PolyValue objects, each representing a single column value. PolyRow are used as part of results sets to provide a easily navigatable structure to it’s entries. Users are not required to create PolyRows themselves but merely interact with them when processing results.


public int getColumnCount()

Returns the number of columns in the PolyRow.

Return Type:

  • Returns an integer representing the number of columns.


public PolyValue getValue(int columnIndex)

Returns the PolyValue object at the specified column index.


  • columnIndex: The 0-based index of the column whose value you want to retrieve.

Return Type:

  • Returns the PolyValue object corresponding to the specified column index.
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