JDBC Driver - Statement

The Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver is pivotal for executing SQL queries and retrieving their results. It provides mechanisms to define queries, batch multiple commands, specify query properties, and access the resultant data sets. Through this object, users can manage aspects like timeout, fetch direction, and batch processing. The Polypheny JDBC Driver’s Statement object is designed to seamlessly integrate with the broader JDBC ecosystem while optimizing for the specific features and nuances of Polypheny.


public boolean execute(String sql)
            throws SQLException

The execute(String statement) method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver is a versatile method used to execute SQL statements that may produce either a result set or an update count, such as a query or an update. Unlike executeQuery or executeUpdate, which are designed specifically for queries or updates respectively, the execute method can handle both. After calling this method, one must retrieve either the result set or the update count, depending on the nature of the executed statement using getResult, getUpdateCount or getLargeUpdateCount. If getUpdateCount or getLargeUpdateCount is called after a executing a statement that returned a result set, the value -1 is returned. Calling getResultSet on an update returns null.


Parameter Name Type Description
statement String The SQL statement to be executed.

Return Values:

Return Type Description
boolean true if the result is a ResultSet object (i.e., the executed statement was a query); false if it is an update count or no results.

This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs, the method is called on a closed Statement, or the given SQL statement produces anything other than a single result or an update count.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://localhost:20590" );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    boolean isResultSet = statement.execute( "SELECT * FROM emps" );

    if ( isResultSet ) {
        ResultSet resultSet = statement.getResultSet();

        while ( resultSet.next() ) {
            // Process the results...

    } else {
        int updateCount = statement.getUpdateCount();
        // Process the update count if needed...
} catch ( SQLException e ) {

getUpdateCount and getLargeUpdateCount

public int getUpdateCount()
            throws SQLException
public long getLargeUpdateCount()
            throws SQLException

The getUpdateCount() and getLargeUpdateCount() methods of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver are used to retrieve the number of rows affected by the execution of SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, or by the execution of a DDL command. These methods will return -1 if the statement executed was a DDL command, a SELECT statement, or if the statement was not executed.

getUpdateCount returns an int, whereas getLargeUpdateCount returns a long, which allows it to handle larger values.

Return Values:

Return Type Description
int/long The current result as an update count; -1 if the result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results

These methods throw an SQLException if a database access error occurs or the method is called on a closed Statement.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    boolean hasResultSet = statement.execute( "UPDATE my_table SET column1 = value1" );

    if ( !hasResultSet ) {
        int updateCount = statement.getUpdateCount();
        // or
        long largeUpdateCount = statement.getLargeUpdateCount();

        System.out.println( "Number of updated rows: " + updateCount );
        // or
        System.out.println( "Number of updated rows: " + largeUpdateCount );
} catch ( SQLException e ) {


public ResultSet getResultSet()
            throws SQLException

The getResultSet() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver retrieves the current result set held by the statement, which is typically a result of executing a query. This method should be called only once per result. If the statement does not have a result set this function returns null.

Return Values:

Return Type Description
ResultSet The current result set; null if the result is an update count or if there are no more results or if the statement did not produce any result (e.g., was a DDL command).

This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs or the method is called on a closed Statement.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    statement.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM my_table" );
    ResultSet resultSet = statement.getResultSet();

    while ( resultSet.next() ) {
        // Access the results...
        String columnValue = resultSet.getString( "column_name" );
        // Process the result...

    resultSet.close();  // Always good practice to close the ResultSet when done.
} catch ( SQLException e ) {


public boolean getMoreResults()
            throws SQLException
public boolean getMoreResults(int current)
            throws SQLException
In Polypheny, only the CLOSE_CURRENT_RESULT behavior is supported for now because there is always only one result set. Thus, specifying other constants will throw a SQLFeatureNotSupportedException().

The getMoreResults() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver moves to the next result set from a multiple-results statement or ensures that all results have been processed. However, in the context of the Polypheny JDBC Driver, statements always return only a single result set. Thus, this method always returns false, indicating that there are no more results to process.

This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs or the method is called on a closed Statement.


For the overloaded method:

Parameter Name Type Description
current int One of the following Statement constants indicating what should happen to current ResultSet objects obtained using the method getResultSet: CLOSE_CURRENT_RESULT, KEEP_CURRENT_RESULT, or CLOSE_ALL_RESULTS

Return Values:

Type Description
boolean Always false, indicating that there are no more results to process.


public int executeUpdate(String sql)
            throws SQLException
public int executeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)
            throws SQLException
public int executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)
            throws SQLException
public int executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames)
            throws SQLException
As of now only the method executeUpdate(String sql) is suppported. The other overloads throw a SQLFeatureNotImplementedException.

The executeUpdate(String sql) method in the Statement object of the Polypheny JDBC Driver is used for executing SQL statements that modify the database in some way (e.g., INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). It returns an integer indicating the number of rows affected by the statement.


Parameter Name Type Description
sql String The SQL statement to be executed.

This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs, the method is called on a closed Statement, the SQL statement returns a ResultSet object, or the method is called on a PreparedStatement or CallableStatement.

Return Value:

The method returns the row count for SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements or 0 for SQL statements that return nothing.


try (
    Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
    Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    int rowsAffected = statement.executeUpdate( "UPDATE my_table SET column_name = 'new_value' WHERE condition_column = 'some_value'" );
    System.out.println( "Rows affected: " + rowsAffected );
} catch ( SQLException e ) {

This example demonstrates how to use the executeUpdate method to perform an update operation on a hypothetical table and then print out the number of rows affected.


public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql)
            throws SQLException

The executeQuery( String sql ) method in the Statement object of the Polypheny JDBC Driver is designed to execute SQL queries that return a single ResultSet object, typically SELECT statements. The primary objective of this method is to run read-only operations on the database.


Parameter Name Type Description
sql String The SQL query to be executed.

This method throws a SQLException if a database access error occurs, the method is called on a closed Statement, the SQL statement does not produce a ResultSet object, or the method is called on a PreparedStatement or CallableStatement.


try (
    Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
    Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM my_table" );
    while ( rs.next() ) {
        // Process the result set...
} catch ( SQLException e ) {

executeBatch and executeLargeBatch

public int[] executeBatch()
            throws SQLException
public long[] executeLargeBatch()
            throws SQLException

The methods executeBatch() and executeLargeBatch() of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver allow for executing multiple SQL statements in a single batch, which can reduce the number of database round-trips, thus improving performance. The two methods differ in the type of return values they provide:

  • executeBatch: Returns an array of int indicating the number of rows affected by each command in the batch.
  • executeLargeBatch: Returns an array of long for situations where the number of rows affected by a command may exceed the range of int.

Both methods throw an SQLException if all commands do not execute successfully. In the case of a failed batch, the SQLException will provide information about the command that failed, the reason for the failure.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    // Add commands to the batch.
    statement.addBatch( "INSERT INTO my_table (id, name) VALUES (1, 'John')" );
    statement.addBatch( "INSERT INTO my_table (id, name) VALUES (2, 'Jane')" );

    // Execute the batch
    int[] updateCounts = statement.executeBatch();

    // Alternatively, for larger batches:
    // long[] largeUpdateCounts = statement.executeLargeBatch()
    for ( int count : updateCounts ) {
        System.out.println( "Rows affected: " + count );

} catch ( BatchUpdateException e ) {
    // Handle failed batch commands


public void addBatch(String sql)
            throws SQLException

The addBatch(String sql) method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver is used to add an SQL statement to the current batch of commands for the Statement object. This functionality allows for multiple SQL statements to be executed together in a single batch, improving efficiency by reducing the number of separate round-trips to the database.


Parameter Name Type Description
sql String The SQL command to be added to the batch.

This method throws an SQLException the method is called on a closed Statement.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    // Add multiple SQL commands to the batch.
    statement.addBatch( "INSERT INTO my_table (id, name) VALUES (1, 'John')" );
    statement.addBatch( "INSERT INTO my_table (id, name) VALUES (2, 'Jane')" );

    // Execute the batch.
    int[] updateCounts = statement.executeBatch();

    // Handle the results.
    for ( int count : updateCounts ) {
        System.out.println( "Affected rows: " + count );
} catch ( SQLException e ) {


public void clearBatch()
            throws SQLException

The clearBatch() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver allows you to clear previously added SQL commands from the current batch. This is useful if you need to discard a batch of commands before they are executed or if you want to reuse the same Statement object for a different batch of commands.

This method throws an SQLException if the method is called on a closed Statement.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    // Add commands to the batch.
    statement.addBatch( "INSERT INTO my_table (id, name) VALUES (1, 'John')" );
    statement.addBatch( "INSERT INTO my_table (id, name) VALUES (2, 'Jane')" );

    // Clear the batch.

    // The batch is now empty, so the following line would have no effect.
    int[] updateCounts = statement.executeBatch();

} catch ( SQLException e ) {


public SQLWarning getWarnings()
            throws SQLException
Polypheny does not yet support the concept of SQL warnings. Consequently, the getWarnings method always returns null, which is the JDBC standard-conform value to express that no warnings occurred.

The method getWarnings() of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver retrieves the first SQLWarning object for this statement if any. SQLWarning objects are a subclass of SQLException that deal with database access warnings. Warnings do not stop the execution of an application, as exceptions do; they simply alert the user that something did not happen as planned.

Return Value:

Type Description
SQLWarning The first SQLWarning object or null if there are no warnings.


public void clearWarnings()
            throws SQLException
Polypheny does not yet support the concept of SQL warnings. Even though this method is provided for JDBC consistency, there are no warnings to clear in Polypheny. Thus, the getWarnings method always returns null, irrespective of whether clearWarnings has been called.

The clearWarnings() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver is used to clear all SQLWarning objects that have been reported for this connection. After calling this method, the getWarnings method will return null until a new warning is reported for the connection.


public void close()
            throws SQLException
It’s a best practice to close JDBC resources like Statements and ResultSets as soon as they are no longer needed. This helps in optimizing the performance and resource utilization of the application.

The close() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver is utilized to release the resources associated with the statement and to discard any pending results. Closing a statement will also close its associated ResultSet objects if they haven’t been closed already. To free up resources and prevent potential memory leaks, it’s advisable to close a Statement object once it’s no longer in use.

This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs or the method is called on a closed Statement.


public boolean isClosed()
            throws SQLException

The isClosed() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver checks whether the statement has been closed. A statement is closed if the method close has been called on it, or if it was automatically closed. Checking the state of a statement can help prevent unintended operations on a closed statement, which can lead to exceptions.

This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs.

Return Values:

Return Value Description
true Indicates that the Statement object is closed.
false Indicates that the Statement object is still open.


public void closeOnCompletion()
            throws SQLException
Utilizing the closeOnCompletion method helps in managing resources efficiently, especially in scenarios where multiple result sets are being processed.

The closeOnCompletion() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver sets the current Statement to be automatically closed when its associated ResultSet object(s) have been closed. This ensures that resources associated with the Statement are released without the need for an explicit close call once the ResultSet is no longer needed.

This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs or if the method is called on a closed Statement.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    statement.closeOnCompletion();  // Set the statement to close automatically when the ResultSet is closed.
    ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM my_table" );
    // Process the result set...
    resultSet.close(); // The associated statement will be closed automatically after this.
} catch ( SQLException e ) {


public boolean isCloseOnCompletion()
            throws SQLException

The isCloseOnCompletion() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver checks whether the current Statement has been configured to close automatically when its associated ResultSet object has been closed.

Return Value:

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the statement is set to close automatically when the ResultSet is closed, false otherwise.

This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs or if the method is called on a closed Statement.


public Connection getConnection()
            throws SQLException

The getConnection() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver retrieves the current connection that produced this Statement object. This allows users to interact with the database connection that is associated with a particular statement. The retrieved Connection object is the same connection on which the statement was created.

This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs or the method is called on a closed Statement.

Return Values:

Type Description
Connection The connection that produced this statement object.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    Connection retrievedConnection = statement.getConnection();

    if ( connection == retrievedConnection ) {
        System.out.println( "The retrieved connection is the same as the original." );

} catch ( SQLException e ) {

setFetchDirection and getFetchDirection

public void setFetchDirection(int direction)
            throws SQLException
public int getFetchDirection()
            throws SQLException

The methods setFetchDirection(int direction) and getFetchDirection() of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver are used to set or read the current fetch direction for the ResultSet objects produced by this Statement object. Polypheny only supports the direction ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD. Thus getFetchDirection() throws an SQLExcpetion if a direction other than ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD is passed as a parameter.

Both methods throw an SQLException if called on a closed Statement.


Return Type Description
int The fetch direction. Only ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD is valid.

Return Value:

Return Type Description
int The fetch direction. It will always be ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD for Polypheny.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    statement.setFetchDirection( ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD );
    int fetchDirection = statement.getFetchDirection();
} catch ( SQLException e ) {

setFetchSize and getFetchSize

public void setFetchSize(int rows)
            throws SQLException
public int getFetchSize()
            throws SQLException

The setFetchSize(int rows) and getFetchSize() methods of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver are used to set or read the the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed. The value set by this method can be overridden by the driver based on system or query specifics. While the JDBC standard allows for the fetch size to be set as a hint for potential optimization, it’s important to note that the Polypheny JDBC Driver might not always use the provided value, and in some cases, might ignore it altogether.


Parameter Name Type Description
rows int Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database. If set to 0, the driver will ignore the hint.

Both methods throw an SQLException if the given fetch size is negative or if it’s called on a closed Statement.

Return Value:

Type Description
int The current fetch size for this Statement object or 0 if the value was set to 0 or was never set.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    statement.setFetchSize( 250 );
    int fetchSize = statement.getFetchSize();
} catch ( SQLException e ) {

setMaxFieldSize and getMaxFieldSize

public void setMaxFieldSize(int max)
            throws SQLException
public int getMaxFieldSize()
            throws SQLException
The maxFieldSize setting in the Polypheny JDBC Driver only applies to the following data types: BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, NCHAR, NVARCHAR, LONGNVARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR. For fields of other data types, the maxFieldSize setting has no effect.

The setMaxFieldSize(int max) and getMaxFieldSize() method of the Statement object of the Polypheny JDBC Driver are used to set or read the limit for the maximum number of bytes or characters that can be returned for any column value. Values larger than the set limit are truncated. A value of zero implies there’s no limit.

Those methods throw an SQLException if the size limit is a negative value, if a database access error occurs, or if the method is called on a closed Statement.


Parameter Name Type Description
max int The new column size limit in bytes; zero means unlimited.

Return Value:

Type Description
int The current max field size for this Statement object or 0 if the value was set to 0 or was never set.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    statement.setMaxFieldSize( 255 );
    int maxFieldSize = statement.getMaxFieldSize();
} catch ( SQLException e ) {

setMaxRows and getMaxRows

public void setMaxRows(int max)
            throws SQLException
public int getMaxRows()
            throws SQLException

The setMaxRows(int max) and getMaxRows() methods in the Statement object of the Polypheny JDBC Driver are used to set and retrieve, respectively, the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object can contain, which is generated by the Statement. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.

Setting a value for max which is greater than the number of rows in the result set has no effect. If the value is less, the result set is truncated to the specified number.


Parameter Name Type Description
max int The new max rows limit; zero means there is no limit.

Return Value:

Return Type Description
int The current maximum row count for a ResultSet object produced by this Statement object. Zero indicates that there is no limit.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    statement.setMaxRows( 10 ); // Sets a limit of 10 rows for any ResultSet object from this Statement
    ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM my_table" );
    // Process the result set...
    int maxRows = statement.getMaxRows();
    System.out.println( "Max Rows: " + maxRows ); // It will print 10
} catch ( SQLException e ) {

setLargeMaxRows and getLargeMaxRows

public void setLargeMaxRows(long max)
            throws SQLException
public long getLargeMaxRows()
            throws SQLException

The setLargeMaxRows(long max) and getLargeMaxRows() methods in the Statement object of the Polypheny JDBC Driver facilitate setting and retrieving the limit for the maximum number of rows any ResultSet object, generated by the Statement, can accommodate. When this specified limit is surpassed, the additional rows are unobtrusively discarded.

Establishing a value for max that exceeds the number of rows in the result set is inconsequential. If the assigned value is smaller, the result set will be truncated to the designated number.


Parameter Name Type Description
max long The new max rows limit; zero means there is no limit.

Return Value:

Return Type Description
long The prevailing maximum row count for a ResultSet object engendered by this Statement object. Zero indicates an absence of any limit.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    statement.setLargeMaxRows( 1000L ); // Set a cap of 1000 rows for any ResultSet object from this Statement
    ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM my_table" );
    // Go through the result set...
    long maxRows = statement.getLargeMaxRows();
    System.out.println( "Max Rows: " + maxRows ); // It will display 1000
} catch ( SQLException e ) {

setQueryTimeout and getQueryTimeout

public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
            throws SQLException

public int getQueryTimeout()
            throws SQLException

The setQueryTimeout(int seconds) and getQueryTimeout() methods in the Statement object of the Polypheny JDBC Driver provide functionality to set and retrieve the maximum duration (in seconds) that the system will wait for a query to execute. If the given time is exceeded, an SQLTimeoutException is thrown.

When setting a time limit with setQueryTimeout, ensure it’s adequately long to allow for network conditions, database load, and query complexity. Be cautious not to set it too short to prematurely terminate valid queries.


For setQueryTimeout(int seconds):

Parameter Name Type Description
seconds int The number of seconds the system should wait for the query to complete. A value of zero implies there’s no limit.

Return Value:

For getQueryTimeout():

Return Type Description
int The current query timeout value in seconds. A return of zero indicates no time restriction.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    statement.setQueryTimeout( 30 ); // Set a maximum execution time of 30 seconds for the query
    ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM my_large_table" );
    // Process the result set...
    int timeout = statement.getQueryTimeout();
    System.out.println( "Current Query Timeout: " + timeout ); // It will print 30
} catch ( SQLTimeoutException e ) {
    System.out.println( "Query took too long!" );
} catch ( SQLException e ) {


public int getResultSetConcurrency()
            throws SQLException
Currently, the Polypheny JDBC Driver only supports ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY. Attempts to utilize ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE will not be successful.

The getResultSetConcurrency() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver retrieves the result set concurrency for ResultSet objects generated by this Statement. The concurrency mode determines how the ResultSet can be navigated and whether its rows can be updated.

Return Value:

Type Description
int The concurrency type, either ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE.

This method throws an SQLException if it’s called on a closed Statement.


public int getResultSetHoldability()
            throws SQLException
Currently, Polypheny only supports the CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT behavior. This means that ResultSet objects will be closed when the method commit is called on their owning Connection.

The getResultSetHoldability() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver retrieves the current result set holdability for ResultSet objects generated from this Statement object. In the JDBC specification, the holdability of a result set indicates whether it will remain open after a commit. This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs or the method is called on a closed Statement.

Return Values:

Type Description
int One of the following ResultSet constants indicating the holdability: HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT or CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT.


public int getResultSetType()
            throws SQLException
Polypheny JDBC Driver for now only supports ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE.

The getResultSetType() method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver retrieves the result set type for ResultSet objects generated by this Statement. The type determines how the ResultSet can be navigated.

Return Value:

Type Description
int The result set type, one of: ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE

This method throws an SQLException if it’s called on a closed Statement.

setPoolable and isPoolable

public void setPoolable(boolean poolable)
            throws SQLException
public boolean isPoolable()
            throws SQLException

The value returned by isPoolable merely represents a hint given to the connection pool manager. It does not confirm whether the Statement is actually pooled or not in Polypheny.
It’s important to understand that setting a Statement as poolable is only a suggestion to the connection pool manager. The actual behavior depends on the underlying connection pool implementation in Polypheny and other factors.

The setPoolable(boolean poolable) and isPoolable() methods of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver are used to set or retrieves the hint provided to the connection pool manager regarding whether the Statement object should be pooled. This value indicates the suggested pooling behavior of the Statement and does not necessarily reflect its actual status in a connection pool.

This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs or if the method is called on a closed Statement.


Parameter Name Type Description
poolable boolean A hint to the connection pool manager about pooling behavior.

Return Value:

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the Statement object is poolable; false otherwise.


public void setCursorName(String name)
            throws SQLException
The setCursorName method is not yet supported in the Polypheny JDBC Driver. Calling this method will result in a SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.

The setCursorName(String name) method of the Statement object in JDBC is intended to set a name for the statement’s cursor. Naming a cursor can be especially useful when multiple cursors are used in the same transaction or when the cursor’s name needs to be referenced in subsequent operations.


Parameter Name Type Description
name String The new cursor name, which would be unique within a transaction if the method was supported.

This method throws an SQLFeatureNotSupportedException due to it being unsupported in the Polypheny JDBC Driver.


public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface)
            throws SQLException

The isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface) method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver is a part of the JDBC API designed to determine if the current object (in this context, the Statement instance) wraps or implements a specific interface. This method is typically used in conjunction with the unwrap method, allowing applications to verify if an object can be unwrapped to a specific type before actually attempting the unwrap.

For the Polypheny JDBC Driver, this method can be utilized to check if the Statement provides any Polypheny-specific features or interfaces before unwrapping it.


Parameter Name Type Description
iface Class<?> The class or interface that you want to check if the current object wraps or implements.

This method throws an SQLException if a database access error occurs or the method is called on a closed Statement.


try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    if ( statement.isWrapperFor( PolyphenyStatement.class ) ) {
        // The statement can be safely unwrapped to PolyphenyStatement
        PolyphenyStatement polyphenyStatement = statement.unwrap( PolyphenyStatement.class );
        // Use polyphenyStatement for specific operations...
} catch ( SQLException e ) {


public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface)
            throws SQLException

The unwrap(Class<T> iface) method of the Statement object in the Polypheny JDBC Driver is a standard method provided in the JDBC API. It allows the caller to retrieve an object of a specific interface type that may be wrapped by the current instance. This is particularly useful for applications that need to use extensions or features of the underlying database driver that aren’t part of the standard JDBC API.

In the context of the Polypheny JDBC Driver, this method can be employed to access Polypheny-specific features or properties that are not encapsulated by standard JDBC interfaces.


Parameter Name Type Description
iface Class<T> The class or interface of the object to be returned.

This method throws an SQLException if the Statement does not implement the given interface or if there’s a database access error.


Here’s an illustrative example to demonstrate the usage of unwrap:

try (
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:polypheny://..." );
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
) {
    if ( statement.isWrapperFor( PolyphenyStatement.class ) ) {
        PolyphenyStatement polyphenyStatement = statement.unwrap( PolyphenyStatement.class );
        // Utilize the polyphenyStatement to call Polypheny-specific methods...
} catch ( SQLException e ) {


public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)
            throws SQLException

The setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable) method in the Statement object of the Polypheny JDBC Driver is meant to provide the ability to enable or disable the JDBC driver’s escape processing mechanism. In typical JDBC drivers, when escape processing is enabled, it means that the JDBC driver will scan for and expand any escape codes present in the SQL statement before sending it to the database.

However, in Polypheny, this functionality is not yet supported. Regardless of the value set using this method, escape processing will not be performed by the Polypheny JDBC driver.


Parameter Name Type Description
enable boolean Intended to turn escape processing on or off. In Polypheny, this value has no effect.
Polypheny does not yet support the JDBC escape processing mechanism. Any calls to setEscapeProcessing will have no effect on the behavior of the driver, and escape sequences in SQL statements will not be expanded or processed.
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