Development Environment

This guide will help you set up your development environment for working with Polypheny-DB and Polypheny-UI.



Ensure you have a Java JDK version 17 or higher installed. We also recommend setting up Docker for a seamless deployment of stores. Refer to this documentation for guidance on setting up Docker for Polypheny-DB.

Using IntelliJ

  1. Fork and checkout Polypheny-DB.
  2. Import the project by opening the checked out folder in IntelliJ.
  3. Wait until the project has been fully imported in IntelliJ.
  4. Import the coding style.
  5. Start Polypheny-DB using the automatically added run-configurations.

Using Other IDEs

While we recommend using IntelliJ, you can also use other IDEs of your choice.

  1. Fork and checkout Polypheny-DB.
  2. Import the project in your IDE as a Gradle project.
  3. Set up Lombok support in your IDE. For further information, see this tutorial.
  4. Import the coding style.
  5. Configure the license header.
  6. Start Polypheny-DB using its main-Class (dbms/src/main/java/org/polypheny/db/ No arguments are required.

To reset the catalog (and thus Polypheny), use the -resetCatalog argument on startup.


If you’re not planning to work on the UI, you don’t need to manually set it up. Polypheny-DB pulls the latest version of the UI during the build process. However, if you’re looking to work on Polypheny-UI, follow the instructions below:

Ensure you have node.js installed. Then, clone Polypheny-UI, open the root folder, and run:

npm install

If you haven’t installed Angular yet, do so by executing:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Now you can run:

ng serve --aot -o

You should now be able to open the UI in your browser by visiting http://localhost:4200/. Ensure you have a running instance of Polypheny-DB.

Building with Gradle

If you prefer to build the project without having to install NodeJS and Angular, you can do so by executing:

./gradlew npm_install

To start the Angular Live Development Server, use:

./gradlew npm_start

Again, you should now be able to open the UI in your browser by visiting http://localhost:4200/. Please make sure you have an instance of Polypheny-DB running in test mode (started using the -testMode argument).

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