Proto Interface - Overview

The ProtoInterface is a interface designed specifically for interaction with Polypheny instances. Unlike traditional HTTP-based methods, this state-of-the-art communication channel employs a binary protocol based on gRPC and Google Protocol Buffers, providing a versatile and efficient method for data exchange.

To interact and use this interface, we provide drivers and connectors for various query languages and technologies:


Multi-Language Statement

One of the standout features of ProtoInterface is its support for multi-language queries. You’re not restricted to one query language; ProtoInterface can handle all query languages supported by Polypheny, allowing for greater flexibility in your data operations.

Results in Different Data Models

Another powerful feature is the ability to retrieve query results in multiple data models. Whether you’re dealing with relational, document-based, or the relational data models, ProtoInterface can deliver results in the format most suited for your application’s needs.

Why Use ProtoInterface?

  • Efficiency: The use of a binary protocol minimizes overhead, ensuring faster communication between your application and the Polypheny instance.
  • Semantics-Preserving Interaction: ProtoInterface allows for a semantics-preserving interaction with the database’s native types and results, ensuring data integrity and accuracy in your operations.
  • Multi-Platform: Built upon the robust foundations of gRPC and Google Protocol Buffers, ProtoInterface is designed to be used in various different programming languages.


The initial version of the ProtoInterface has been developed by Tobias Hafner as part of his Bachelor’s thesis at the University of Basel.

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