Proto Interface - Protocol Description

In our gRPC architecture, the Protocol Buffer (protobuf) messages defining the interface of our services are meticulously structured for better organization and clarity. Instead of housing all messages within a single .proto file, they are categorized based on functionality or domain.

For each such category, two distinct files are maintained:

  • Requests: This file encompasses all the protobuf message definitions that pertain to requests made from clients to the server. By convention, the filename for this category always concludes with _requests.proto. For example, if we’re handling user-related data, the request messages might be contained within a file named user_requests.proto.

  • Responses: In tandem with our request definitions, every category also maintains a file that specifically contains messages related to the responses returned by the server to the client. This file is identified by its suffix _responses.proto. Following our earlier example, response messages related to user operations would be located in `user_responses.proto.

This separation ensures a clean demarcation between the request and response message definitions, making it straightforward for developers to locate, update, or extend the RPC message definitions based on their nature and purpose.

In our gRPC system architecture, there’s a distinct file named protointerface.proto that plays a pivotal role. This file is dedicated to consolidating all the remote procedure calls (RPCs) that our proto interface supports. By centralizing the definitions of the RPCs in protointerface.proto, we ensure a clear and easily accessible overview of all the available service methods, separate from the categorized request and response message definitions.

Message categories

The table below contains the available categories of messages and the explicit names of their .proto files.

Category Request Proto File Response Proto File Description
connection connection_requests.proto connection_responses.proto Messages related to establishing and maintaining a connection.
document_frame document_frame.proto - Messages pertaining to document frames as used to represent results from the document model.
error error.proto - Messages used to send errors to the client.
graph_frame graph_frame.proto - Messages related to graph frames as used to represent results form the labeled property graph model.
meta meta_requests.proto meta_responses.proto Messages that are used for querying general metadata.
namespace namespace_requests.proto namespace_responses.proto Messages used for querying namespace specific metadata.
relational_frame relational_frame.proto - Messages related to relational framesas used to represent the results form the relational model.
statement statement_requests.proto statement_responses.proto Messages related to statements in a query language and their results.
transaction transaction_requests.proto transaction_responses.proto Messages concerning the handlig of transactions.
value value.proto - Messages used to represent the types and values of the polypheny proprietary type system.

Remote Procedure calls

This chapter outlines the remote procedure calls (RPCs) available within the proto interface. Readers will gain insight into the service methods and the corresponding request and response structures. A vrief overview aove all calls is given in the table below.

Procedure Name Type Input Message Return Message
CheckConnection Unary RPC ConnectionCheckRequest ConnectionCheckResponse
CloseStatement Unary RPC CloseStatementRequest CloseStatementResponse
CommitTransaction Unary RPC CommitRequest CommitResponse
Connect Unary RPC ConnectionRequest ConnectionResponse
Disconnect Unary RPC DisconnectRequest DisconnectionResponse
ExecuteIndexedStatement Unary RPC ExecuteIndexedStatementRequest StatementResult
ExecuteIndexedStatementBatch Unary RPC ExecuteIndexedStatementBatchRequest StatementBatchResponse
ExecuteNamedStatement Unary RPC ExecuteNamedStatementRequest StatementResult
ExecuteUnparameterizedStatement Server Streaming RPC ExecuteUnparameterizedStatementRequest stream StatementResponse
ExecuteUnparameterizedStatementBatch Server Streaming RPC ExecuteUnparameterizedStatementBatchRequest stream StatementBatchResponse
FetchResult Unary RPC FetchRequest Frame
GetClientInfoProperties Unary RPC ClientInfoPropertiesRequest ClientInfoProperties
GetClientInfoPropertyMetas Unary RPC ClientInfoPropertyMetaRequest ClientInfoPropertyMetaResponse
GetDatabases Unary RPC DatabasesRequest DatabasesResponse
GetDbmsVersion Unary RPC DbmsVersionRequest DbmsVersionResponse
GetNamespace Unary RPC NamespaceRequest Namespace
GetSqlKeywords Unary RPC SqlKeywordsRequest MetaStringResponse
GetSqlNumericFunctions Unary RPC SqlNumericFunctionsRequest MetaStringResponse
GetSqlStringFunctions Unary RPC SqlStringFunctionsRequest MetaStringResponse
GetSqlSystemFunctions Unary RPC SqlSystemFunctionsRequest MetaStringResponse
GetSqlTimeDateFunctions Unary RPC SqlTimeDateFunctionsRequest MetaStringResponse
GetSupportedLanguages Unary RPC LanguageRequest LanguageResponse
GetTableTypes Unary RPC TableTypesRequest TableTypesResponse
GetTypes Unary RPC TypesRequest TypesResponse
GetUserDefinedTypes Unary RPC UserDefinedTypesRequest UserDefinedTypesResponse
PrepareIndexedStatement Unary RPC PrepareStatementRequest PreparedStatementSignature
PrepareNamedStatement Unary RPC PrepareStatementRequest PreparedStatementSignature
RollbackTransaction Unary RPC RollbackRequest RollbackResponse
SearchEntities Unary RPC EntitiesRequest EntitiesResponse
SearchFunctions Unary RPC FunctionsRequest FunctionsResponse
SearchNamespaces Unary RPC NamespacesRequest NamespacesResponse
SearchProcedures Unary RPC ProceduresRequest ProceduresResponse
SetClientInfoProperties Unary RPC ClientInfoProperties ClientInfoPropertiesResponse
UpdateConnectionProperties Unary RPC ConnectionPropertiesUpdateRequest ConnectionPropertiesUpdateResponse
ℹ Info
For more details on the different call types such as Unary, Server Streaming, Client Streaming, and more, please refer to the official gRPC documentation.


The CheckConnection procedure is utilized to verify the state of an established connection to the server. It allows clients to ensure that the connection is still active and in good health.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ConnectionCheckRequest
  • Contained in File: connection_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: ConnectionCheckResponse
  • Contained in File: connection_responses.proto


rpc CheckConnection(ConnectionCheckRequest) returns (ConnectionCheckResponse) {}


The CloseStatement procedure is used to formally close a previously prepared or executed database statement. Closing a statement releases the resources associated with it and ensures that there are no lingering locks or allocations.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: CloseStatementRequest
  • Contained in File: statement_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: CloseStatementResponse
  • Contained in File: statement_responses.proto


rpc CloseStatement(CloseStatementRequest) returns (CloseStatementResponse) {}


The CommitTransaction procedure is utilized to commit the changes made during a database transaction. Committing ensures that all the modifications made during the transaction are permanently saved in the database. If any error occurs during the commit, the changes can be rolled back to maintain the database’s consistency.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: CommitRequest
  • Contained in File: transaction_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: CommitResponse
  • Contained in File: transaction_responses.proto


rpc CommitTransaction(CommitRequest) returns (CommitResponse) {}


The Connect procedure is designed to establish a connection to the database. Once connected, clients can perform various operations like executing queries, fetching results, or managing transactions. This procedure serves as the initial entry point for interactions between the client and the database.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ConnectionRequest
  • Contained in File: connection_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: ConnectionResponse
  • Contained in File: connection_responses.proto


rpc Connect(ConnectionRequest) returns (ConnectionResponse) {}


The Disconnect procedure is utilized to safely terminate an existing connection to the database. Disconnecting ensures that any pending transactions or uncommitted changes are dealt with appropriately, and resources associated with the connection are released.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: DisconnectRequest
  • Contained in File: connection_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: DisconnectionResponse
  • Contained in File: connection_responses.proto


rpc Disconnect(DisconnectRequest) returns (DisconnectionResponse) {}


The ExecuteIndexedStatement procedure is designed to execute a provided indexed statement in the database. An indexed statement contains placeholders, where values can be assigned based on their order, rather than by specific placeholder names.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ExecuteIndexedStatementRequest
  • Contained in File: statement_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: StatementResult
  • Contained in File: statement_responses.proto


rpc ExecuteIndexedStatement(ExecuteIndexedStatementRequest) returns (StatementResult) {}


The ExecuteIndexedStatementBatch procedure allows for the execution of a batch of indexed statements. These indexed statements contain placeholders where values are assigned based on their order in the statement. By processing these statements in batches, clients can optimize database interactions and potentially achieve better performance, especially when dealing with large amounts of data.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ExecuteIndexedStatementBatchRequest
  • Contained in File: statement_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: StatementBatchResponse
  • Contained in File: statement_responses.proto


rpc ExecuteIndexedStatementBatch(ExecuteIndexedStatementBatchRequest) returns (StatementBatchResponse) {}


The ExecuteNamedStatement procedure facilitates the execution of a previously prepared named statement in the database. Named statements are database queries with named placeholders, providing clarity when assigning values to the statement.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ExecuteNamedStatementRequest
  • Contained in File: statement_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: StatementResult
  • Contained in File: statement_responses.proto


rpc ExecuteNamedStatement(ExecuteNamedStatementRequest) returns (StatementResult) {}


The ExecuteUnparameterizedStatement procedure is employed to execute a database statement that does not contain any parameters or placeholders. This straightforward approach ensures a direct interaction with the database without any variable assignments.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ExecuteUnparameterizedStatementRequest
  • Contained in File: statement_requests.proto

Return Message (stream):

  • Message Name: StatementResponse
  • Contained in File: statement_responses.proto


rpc ExecuteUnparameterizedStatement(ExecuteUnparameterizedStatementRequest) returns (stream StatementResponse) {}

The ExecuteUnparameterizedStatement call is a server streaming RPC. When invoked, it returns two StatementResponse messages in sequence:

  1. The first StatementResponse provides the statement ID of the executed statement, serving as a unique identifier.
  2. The second StatementResponse delivers both the same statement ID and the initial frame of the result, allowing clients to commence with data processing or further fetch operations.


The ExecuteUnparameterizedStatementBatch procedure allows for the execution of a batch of unparameterized database statements. These are statements that do not require any dynamic placeholders or parameters. The use of server streaming in the response indicates that the server can send back multiple StatementBatchResponse messages to the client within a single call, ideal for processing large batches or sets of results.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ExecuteUnparameterizedStatementBatchRequest
  • Contained in File: statement_requests.proto

Return Message (stream):

  • Message Name: StatementBatchResponse
  • Contained in File: statement_responses.proto


rpc ExecuteUnparameterizedStatementBatch(ExecuteUnparameterizedStatementBatchRequest) returns (stream StatementBatchResponse) {}

The ExecuteUnparameterizedStatementBatch call is a server streaming RPC. When invoked, it returns two StatementBatchResponse messages in sequence:

  1. The first StatementBatchResponse provides the statement ID of the statement batch, serving as a unique identifier.
  2. The second StatementResponse delivers both the same statement ID and a list of update counts of the individual statements.


The FetchResult procedure is employed to retrieve the result frames of previously executed statements.This RPC allows to sequentially fetch the associated result frames from the database. This is useful for statements that produce large results, enabling the client to retrieve data in manageable portions rather than all at once.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: FetchRequest
  • Contained in File: statement_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: Frame
  • Contained in File: statement_responses.proto


rpc FetchResult(FetchRequest) returns (Frame) {}


The GetClientInfoProperties procedure retrieves the client-specific client properties stored on the database. These properties consist of a set of arbitrary key-value pairs set by the client and can be used to stor additional information about a client.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ClientInfoPropertiesRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: ClientInfoProperties
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetClientInfoProperties(ClientInfoPropertiesRequest) returns (ClientInfoProperties) {}


The GetClientInfoPropertyMetas procedure retrieves metadata about the client properties stored on the database. This metadata provides insights into the structure, constraints, and possible values of the client properties, aiding in understanding and correctly setting client-specific information.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ClientInfoPropertyMetaRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: ClientInfoPropertyMetaResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetClientInfoPropertyMetas(ClientInfoPropertyMetaRequest) returns (ClientInfoPropertyMetaResponse) {}


The GetDatabases procedure is designed to fetch a list of databases that are present in the system. By invoking this RPC, clients can receive an overview of all available databases, enabling them to choose a specific database for operations or understand the data landscape of the connected environment.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: DatabasesRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: DatabasesResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetDatabases(DatabasesRequest) returns (DatabasesResponse) {}


The GetDbmsVersion procedure provides a means to retrieve the version details of the Database Management System (DBMS) in use.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: DbmsVersionRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: DbmsVersionResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetDbmsVersion(DbmsVersionRequest) returns (DbmsVersionResponse) {}


The GetNamespace procedure is specifically designed to retrieve metadata about a particular namespace specified in the NamespaceRequest.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: NamespaceRequest
  • Contained in File: namespace_meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: Namespace
  • Contained in File: namespace_meta_responses.proto


rpc GetNamespace(NamespaceRequest) returns (Namespace) {}


The GetSqlKeywords procedure is used for retrieving a list of SQL keywords supported by the DBMS.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: SqlKeywordsRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: MetaStringResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetSqlKeywords(SqlKeywordsRequest) returns (MetaStringResponse) {}


The GetSqlNumericFunctions procedure is designed to fetch a list of SQL numeric functions that the DBMS supports.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: SqlNumericFunctionsRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: MetaStringResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetSqlNumericFunctions(SqlNumericFunctionsRequest) returns (MetaStringResponse) {}


The GetSqlStringFunctions procedure is used to retrieve a list of SQL string functions supported by the DBMS.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: SqlStringFunctionsRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: MetaStringResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetSqlStringFunctions(SqlStringFunctionsRequest) returns (MetaStringResponse) {}


The GetSqlSystemFunctions procedure is engineered to obtain a list of SQL system functions that the DBMS supports.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: SqlSystemFunctionsRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: MetaStringResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetSqlSystemFunctions(SqlSystemFunctionsRequest) returns (MetaStringResponse) {}


The GetSqlTimeDateFunctions procedure is dedicated to fetching a list of SQL time and date functions that the DBMS supports.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: SqlTimeDateFunctionsRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: MetaStringResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetSqlTimeDateFunctions(SqlTimeDateFunctionsRequest) returns (MetaStringResponse) {}


The GetSupportedLanguages procedure is geared towards retrieving a list of query languages that the DBMS supports for statements.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: LanguageRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: LanguageResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetSupportedLanguages(LanguageRequest) returns (LanguageResponse) {}


The GetTableTypes procedure is specifically crafted to retrieve a list of table types that the DBMS supports.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: TableTypesRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: TableTypesResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetTableTypes(TableTypesRequest) returns (TableTypesResponse) {}


The GetTypes procedure aims to fetch a list of data types supported by the DBMS.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: TypesRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: TypesResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetTypes(TypesRequest) returns (TypesResponse) {}


The GetUserDefinedTypes procedure is constructed to retrieve a list of user-defined data types present in the DBMS.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: UserDefinedTypesRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: UserDefinedTypesResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc GetUserDefinedTypes(UserDefinedTypesRequest) returns (UserDefinedTypesResponse) {}


The PrepareIndexedStatement procedure is designed to prepare a statement containing placeholders based on their order, referred to as an indexed statement. The PreparedStatementSignature returned by this call contains metadata for ablut the values permitted for each placeholder.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: PrepareStatementRequest
  • Contained in File: statement_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: PreparedStatementSignature
  • Contained in File: statement_responses.proto


rpc PrepareIndexedStatement(PrepareStatementRequest) returns (PreparedStatementSignature) {}


The PrepareNamedStatement procedure is used to prepare a database statement that uses named placeholders for variable values. Named statements provide a mechanism to identify variables by a specific name, making it easier to assign values without relying solely on the order of appearance. he PreparedStatementSignature returned by this call contains metadata for ablut the values permitted for each placeholder.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: PrepareStatementRequest
  • Contained in File: statement_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: PreparedStatementSignature
  • Contained in File: statement_responses.proto


rpc PrepareNamedStatement(PrepareStatementRequest) returns (PreparedStatementSignature) {}


The RollbackTransaction procedure provides the functionality to revert any changes made within the current transaction, ensuring data integrity and consistency.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: RollbackRequest
  • Contained in File: transaction_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: RollbackResponse
  • Contained in File: transaction_responses.proto


rpc RollbackTransaction(RollbackRequest) returns (RollbackResponse) {}


The SearchEntities procedure allows clients to retrieve metadata about specific entities within a specific namespace. Entities can refer to tables, documents or graphs.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: EntitiesRequest
  • Contained in File: namespace_meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: EntitiesResponse
  • Contained in File: namespace_meta_responses.proto


rpc SearchEntities(EntitiesRequest) returns (EntitiesResponse) {}


The SearchFunctions procedure facilitates clients in searching for and retrieving metadata of specific functions available within the DBMS. Functions could be built-in, user-defined, or any other supported categories. This RPC allows users to locate and get details of functions based on certain criteria.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: FunctionsRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: FunctionsResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc SearchFunctions(FunctionsRequest) returns (FunctionsResponse) {}


The SearchNamespaces procedure is designed to allow clients to retrieve a list of metadata related to the namespaces within the DBMS.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: NamespacesRequest
  • Contained in File: namespace_meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: NamespacesResponse
  • Contained in File: namespace_meta_responses.proto


rpc SearchNamespaces(NamespacesRequest) returns (NamespacesResponse) {}


The SearchProcedures procedure enables clients to search for and retrieve metadata about specific stored procedures available within the DBMS.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ProceduresRequest
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: ProceduresResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc SearchProcedures(ProceduresRequest) returns (ProceduresResponse) {}


The SetClientInfoProperties procedure facilitates clients in setting or updating key-value pairs known as client info properties on the database. These properties provide additional information about a connected client, aiding in tasks such as monitoring, auditing, and debugging.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ClientInfoProperties
  • Contained in File: meta_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: ClientInfoPropertiesResponse
  • Contained in File: meta_responses.proto


rpc SetClientInfoProperties(ClientInfoProperties) returns (ClientInfoPropertiesResponse) {}


The UpdateConnectionProperties procedure is utilized by clients to update various properties related to a connection.

Input Message:

  • Message Name: ConnectionPropertiesUpdateRequest
  • Contained in File: connection_requests.proto

Return Message:

  • Message Name: ConnectionPropertiesUpdateResponse
  • Contained in File: connection_responses.proto


rpc UpdateConnectionProperties(ConnectionPropertiesUpdateRequest) returns (ConnectionPropertiesUpdateResponse) {}

Protocol Messages

This section provides a comprehensive breakdown of protocol messages used in the communication between clients and the server. The messages are categorized into distinct groups, each representing a specific aspect of the interaction. Starting from connection-related messages and extending to transaction handling and beyond, the documentation delves into the purpose, structure, and usage of each message.

Connection Messages

The following section provides information about all messages related to a client’s connection and it’s properties.


The ConnectionRequest message is designed to initiate a connection request from the client to the server. It contains information regarding the API version, client identity, and optional credentials, as well as properties associated with the connection.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
major_api_version int32 Specifies the major version of the API that the client is using.
minor_api_version int32 Represents the minor version of the API in use.
client_uuid string A unique identifier for the client, used to distinguish individual clients in communication.
username optional string (Optional) The username for authentication when establishing the connection.
password optional string (Optional) The password associated with the specified username for authentication purposes.
connection_properties optional ConnectionProperties (Optional) Contains specific properties related to the connection, such as timeout settings or database preferences.

When no username is specified the default user of the database is chosen. The absence of a password is used to specify that the selected user does not require a password to authenticate. If no connection properties are specified a set of default properties is used. If connection properties are specified that have unset fields default values are used for those.


The ConnectionProperties message defines specific properties related to the client-server connection. It allows clients to specify certain behaviors and settings for the connection, such as transaction auto-commit status and target namespace preference.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
is_auto_commit optional bool (Optional) Indicates whether transactions are automatically committed upon execution or require manual commitment.
namespace_name optional string (Optional) Specifies the preferred namespace within the database or system that the client wants to interact with.

Absent values are either ignored or replaced with default values depending on the context or remote procedure. See the coresponding documentations for reference.


The ConnectionPropertiesUpdateRequest message allows clients to update the properties associated with their connection. This request enables dynamic modification of connection behavior without necessitating a re-establishment of the connection.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
connection_properties ConnectionProperties Specifies the new settings for the connection. Contains properties such as transaction auto-commit status and target namespace preference.

When the specified connection properties miss some of the parameters only the paramers containing a value are updated.


The ConnectionCheckRequest message in combination with the corresponding remot procedure call is utilized to verify the current state of an established connection. It acts as a simple “ping” request, enabling clients to ascertain if the server is responsive and if the connection is still valid.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It simply acts as an indicator to prompt the server for a ConnectionCheckResponse.


The DisconnectRequest message, when paired with its respective remote procedure call, signals the intent to terminate an established connection. It serves as a formal request from the client to disconnect from the server, ensuring a graceful termination process.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. Its presence communicates the desire to initiate the disconnection procedure.


The ConnectionResponse message is sent by the server in response to a ConnectionRequest from the client. It provides feedback regarding the compatibility of the client’s API version with the server, as well as other important information about the connection.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
is_compatible bool Indicates whether the client’s API version is compatible with the server. If true, the connection can proceed; if false, the client should consider updating or downgrading its API version.
major_api_version int32 The major version number of the server’s API. Helps the client ascertain the API level of the server.
minor_api_version int32 The minor version number of the server’s API. Provides finer granularity about the server’s capabilities.
heartbeat_interval optional int64 Specifies the interval in milliseconds at which the client should send heartbeat signals to maintain the connection. If not provided, the connection does not require a heartbeat to remain valid.


The DisconnectionResponse message is sent by the server in response to a DisconnectRequest from the client. It provides an acknowledgment that the disconnection process has been acknowledged and processed by the server.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It simply serves as an acknowledgment of the disconnection process.


The ConnectionCheckResponse message is sent by the server in response to a ConnectionCheckRequest from the client. It acts as an affirmation that the server is responsive, and the connection is still valid.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. Its receipt by the client is an indicator of the server’s responsiveness and the validity of the connection.


The ConnectionPropertiesUpdateResponse message is sent by the server in response to a ConnectionPropertiesUpdateRequest from the client. It acknowledges the success of the requested connection properties update.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It serves as an acknowledgment of the update process for the connection properties.

Document Frame Messages

This section describes all messages required to represent a frame of a result in the document model.


The DocumentFrame message represents a frame containing one or more documents and is used to relay results or data entries structured as documents from the server to the client.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
documents repeated ProtoDocument A list of documents contained within this frame. Each entry in this list is an instance of ProtoDocument, representing an individual document.
ℹ Info
The ProtoDocument is one of the datatypes upported by the proto interface. Consult the corresponding documentation in the section Value Messages for further details.

Error Messages

This section describes all messages required to represent an exception.


The ErrorDetails message conveys specific information about an error encountered during the processing of a request. This detailed feedback aids clients in understanding the nature and cause of an issue.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
error_code optional int32 A numeric code representing the specific error encountered. This code can be used programmatically to handle specific error cases.
state optional string An optional state description in the form of an identifier that provides further context about the error.
message optional string A human-readable message describing the error in detail. This message offers clients a clear understanding of the issue.

Graph Frame Messages

This section describes all messages required to represent a frame of a result in the graph model.


The GraphFrame message is a placeholder intended to represent graph frames as part of the labeled property graph model. As of now, the graph model is not fully implemented, making this message void of fields. It acts as a provision for future developments where fields related to the graph model will be added.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - Currently, this message does not contain any fields. It is reserved for future use when the graph model is more completely realized.

Meta Messages

Messages that are used for querying general metadata.


The DbmsVersionRequest message is utilized to request the version information of the database management system (DBMS) in use. It acts as a trigger for the server to respond with the specific version details of the DBMS.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It simply acts as an indicator to prompt the server for DbmsVersionResponse.


The LanguageRequest message facilitates the retrieval of supported query languages that can be used for constructing statements.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It acts as a request for the server to return the list of supported query languages in a LanguageResponse.


The DatabasesRequest message is employed to solicit a list of databases that are currently managed by the DBMS. This is pivotal for clients aiming to interact with a specific database or to understand the landscape of databases under management.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not have any fields. It signals the server to provide a list of databases in a DatabasesResponse.


The TableTypesRequest message is designed to request information about the different types of tables that are supported or recognized by the DBMS.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It’s a prompt for the server to respond with details about the supported table types in a TableTypesResponse.


The TypesRequest message is deployed to obtain a list of data types supported by the database management system. This helps clients understand the range of data types they can utilize when defining or querying tables.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It simply prompts the server to return a list of supported data types in a TypesResponse.


The UserDefinedTypesRequest message facilitates the retrieval of user-defined data types present in the database. These custom data types can be crafted to meet specific needs not met by standard types.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message is devoid of fields. It acts as a signal for the server to provide details of user-defined data types in a UserDefinedTypesResponse.


The SqlStringFunctionsRequest message is used to solicit information about the string functions supported by the SQL implementation of the DBMS.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message is fieldless and prompts the server to return details of the available string functions in an SqlStringFunctionsResponse.


The SqlSystemFunctionsRequest message aims to retrieve the list of system functions provided by the SQL implementation of the DBMS.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - Without any fields, this message indicates the server to respond with details about the system functions in an SqlSystemFunctionsResponse.


The SqlTimeDateFunctionsRequest message is dispatched to fetch a list of time and date functions supported by the SQL implementation of the DBMS.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message, being fieldless, acts as a request for the server to list time and date functions in a SqlTimeDateFunctionsResponse.


The SqlNumericFunctionsRequest message endeavors to obtain details about the numeric functions provided by the SQL implementation of the DBMS.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message, devoid of fields, prompts the server to respond with information about numeric functions in an SqlNumericFunctionsResponse.


The SqlKeywordsRequest message is designed to request a list of reserved keywords utilized by the SQL implementation of the DBMS.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - With no fields, this message acts as an indicator for the server to provide the list of SQL keywords in an SqlKeywordsResponse.


The ProceduresRequest message is employed to retrieve a list of stored procedures in the database for a specified query language. The client can also narrow down the results by specifying a procedure name pattern.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
language string The query language for which the procedures are defined. This determines the set of procedures that will be retrieved.
procedure_name_pattern optional string A pattern to filter the names of procedures. For example, providing “get%” might retrieve procedures named getUser, getDetails, etc. If not specified, all procedures for the provided language will be returned. Like in sql, the symbol _ can be used to match a single character.


The ClientInfoPropertiesRequest message facilitates the acquisition of client information properties stored in the database. These properties can offer additional context about the connected client.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message doesn’t possess any fields. It acts as a directive for the server to provide the associated client information properties in a ClientInfoPropertiesResponse.


The ClientInfoPropertyMetaRequest message aids in extracting metadata about the client information properties present in the database.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This fieldless message prompts the server to detail metadata concerning client information properties in a ClientInfoPropertyMetaResponse.


The FunctionsRequest message is wielded to obtain a list of functions from the database based on the specified query language and function category.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
queryLanguage string Defines the query language for which the functions are sought. This field determines the range of functions that will be retrieved.
functionCategory string Categorizes the function, allowing clients to filter results based on specific categories, such as “NUMERIC”, “STRING”, or “SYSTEM”. This helps in refining the search for specific types of functions.


The DbmsVersionResponse message relays details about the version and name of the database management system (DBMS) in response to a DbmsVersionRequest.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
dbms_name string The name of the database management system.
version_name string The full version name of the DBMS.
major_version int32 The major version number of the DBMS.
minor_version int32 The minor version number of the DBMS.


The LanguageResponse message offers a list of query languages supported by the system.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
language_names repeated string A list containing the names of all supported query languages.


The DatabasesResponse message provides details about the databases present in the system.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
databases repeated Database A list of Database objects detailing each database present in the system.


The Database message encapsulates details about an individual database.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
database_name string The name of the database.
owner_name string The name of the owner of the database.
default_namespace_name string The default namespace associated with the database.


The TableTypesResponse message conveys information about the various table types present in the system.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
table_types repeated TableType A list of TableType objects detailing each table type present in the system.


The TableType message delineates the nature or category of a table.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
table_type string A descriptor denoting the type or category of a table, such as “BASE TABLE”, “VIEW”, or any other classification present in the system.


The TypesResponse message provides a list of native data types supported by the system.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
types repeated Type A list of Type objects detailing each native data type supported by the system.


The Type message describes the characteristics and specifications of a particular native data type.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
type_name string The name of the data type.
precision int32 The number of total digits for numeric types or the maximum length for string and binary types.
literal_prefix optional string The character(s) used to prefix a literal of this type (e.g., a single quote for strings).
literal_suffix optional string The character(s) used to suffix a literal of this type.
is_case_sensitive bool Indicates whether the data type is case sensitive.
is_searchable int32 Indicates how the data type can be used in WHERE clauses.
is_auto_increment bool Indicates whether columns of this data type auto-increment.
min_scale int32 The minimum scale for this data type.
max_scale int32 The maximum scale for this data type.
radix int32 The base number used in representing numeric values.


The UserDefinedTypesResponse message offers a list of user-defined data types present in the system.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
user_defined_types repeated UserDefinedType A list of UserDefinedType objects detailing each user-defined data type in the system.


The UserDefinedType message encapsulates details about a specific user-defined data type.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
type_name string The name of the user-defined data type.
value_metas repeated ValueMeta A list of ValueMeta objects detailing the metadata associated with fields of this data type.


The ValueMeta message offers insights into the metadata of a specific fieldrelated to a user-defined type.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
value_name string The name or descriptor of the value’s metadata.


The MetaStringResponse message encapsulates a string that represents some specific metadata information.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
string string A string representing the requested metadata information.


The ProceduresResponse message provides a list of stored procedures available within the system.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
procedures repeated Procedure A list of Procedure objects detailing each stored procedure present in the system.


The Procedure message encapsulates details about a specific stored procedure in the system.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
trivial_name string The simple name of the procedure.
input_parameters string The input parameters required by the procedure.
description string A brief description or purpose of the procedure.
return_type ReturnType Enum indicating the return type of the procedure. It can be unspecified, unknown, no result, or result.
unique_name string A unique name or identifier for the procedure.

ReturnType Enum

The reuturn type enum is part of the message Procedure and indicates the possible types of return values for a stored procedure.

Enum Value Description
UNSPECIFIED Indicates that the return type is unspecified.
UNKNOWN Indicates that the return type is unknown.
NO_RESULT The procedure does not return a result.
RESULT The procedure returns a result.


The ClientInfoProperties message encapsulates key-value pairs representing client-specific information.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
properties map<string, string> A mapping of property names to their corresponding values, providing insights or settings related to the client.


The ClientInfoPropertyMetaResponse message provides metadata about various client-specific properties.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
clientInfoPropertyMetas repeated ClientInfoPropertyMeta A list of ClientInfoPropertyMeta objects detailing metadata for each client-specific property.


The ClientInfoPropertyMeta message encapsulates metadata about a specific client property.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
key string The unique key identifier for the client property.
default_value string The default value of the property.
maxlength int32 Maximum length of the property value. Useful for validation purposes.
description string A brief description explaining the purpose or usage of the property.


The FunctionsResponse message provides a list of functions available within the system.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
functions repeated Function A list of Function objects detailing each function present in the system.


The Function message encapsulates details about a specific function in the system.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
name string The name of the function.
syntax string The expected syntax for using the function.
function_category string The category to which the function belongs. Helps in categorizing functions for better management and understanding.
is_table_function bool Indicates whether the function is a table function. If true, it means the function returns a table; otherwise, it returns a scalar value.

Namespace Meta Messages

This section contains all messages related describing the metadata of namespaces and their entities.


The NamespaceRequest message is designed for querying specific details about aspecific namespace.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
namespace_name string The name of the namespace for which details are being requested.


The NamespacesRequest message allows querying for namespaces based on specific patterns in their names as well as their types.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
namespace_pattern optional string An optional pattern that can be used to filter the returned namespaces based on their names. For example, using a pattern like “user_*” might return all namespaces starting with “user_”.
namespace_type optional string An optional type specifier that can be used to filter namespaces based on their type. This allows clients to request namespaces of a particular type.


The EntitiesRequest message is meant for querying details about entities within a specific namespace, possibly using a pattern to narrow down the results.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
namespace_name string The name of the namespace within which entities are to be searched.
entity_pattern optional string An optional pattern for filtering the returned entities. This can help in narrowing down the list of entities based on a naming pattern or other criteria.


The NamespacesResponse message delivers a list of namespaces based on the provided criteria in the NamespacesRequest.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
namespaces repeated Namespace A list of Namespace messages containing information about each namespace that matches the search criteria.


The EntitiesResponse message returns a list of entities that match the provided criteria from the EntitiesRequest.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
entities repeated Entity A list of Entity messages containing information about each entity within the requested namespace.


The Namespace message provides detailed information about a specific namespace.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
namespace_name string The name of the namespace.
database_name string The name of the database to which this namespace belongs.
owner_name string The name of the owner of the namespace.
is_case_sensitive bool Indicates if the namespace name is case sensitive.
namespace_type optional string An optional field providing the type of the namespace, if applicable.


The Entity message encapsulates different types of entities. Only one of the entities can be set for a given message instance.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
table Table An entity of type Table.
graph Graph An entity of type Graph.
document Document An entity of type Document.


The Table message provides comprehensive information about a specific table within a database.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
source_database_name string The source database where the table resides.
namespace_name string The namespace or schema where the table is located.
table_name string The name of the table.
table_type string The type of the table (e.g., BASE TABLE, VIEW).
owner_name string The owner of the table.
columns repeated Column A list of Column messages providing information about each column in the table.
primary_key optional PrimaryKey An optional PrimaryKey message, providing details about the primary key of the table.
foreign_keys repeated ForeignKey A list of ForeignKey messages detailing the foreign keys associated with the table.
exported_keys repeated ForeignKey A list of ForeignKey messages detailing the keys in other tables that reference this table.
indexes repeated Index A list of Index messages detailing the indexes defined on the table.


The Column message describes the attributes of a specific column within a table.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
database_name string The database where the column’s table is located.
namespace_name string The namespace or schema of the column’s table.
table_name string The table to which this column belongs.
column_name string The name of the column.
type_name string The data type of the column.
type_length optional int32 The length or size of the column type, if applicable.
type_scale optional int32 The scale of the column type, if applicable.
is_nullable bool Indicates if the column can contain null values.
default_value_as_string optional string The default value of the column, represented as a string.
column_index int32 The positional index of the column in the table.
collation optional string The collation name for the column, if applicable.
isHidden bool Indicates if the column is hidden.
column_type ColumnType An enumeration indicating the type of column (e.g., REGULAR, CALCULATED, VERSION).


The PrimaryKey message provides details about a table’s primary key.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
database_name string The database where the primary key’s table is located.
namespace_name string The namespace or schema of the primary key’s table.
table_name string The table with this primary key.
columns repeated Column The columns that make up the primary key.


The ForeignKey message details a foreign key relationship between tables.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
referenced_database_name optional string The database of the referenced table.
referenced_namespace_name optional string The namespace or schema of the referenced table.
referenced_table_name string The table being referenced by the foreign key.
referenced_columns repeated Column The columns in the referenced table.
foreign_columns repeated Column The columns in the current table that make up the foreign key.
update_rule int32 A numeric representation of the action taken when a referenced row is updated.
delete_rule int32 A numeric representation of the action taken when a referenced row is deleted.
key_name optional string An optional name for the foreign key constraint.


The Index message provides details about an index defined on a table.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
database_name string The database where the indexed table is located.
namespace_name string The namespace or schema of the indexed table.
table_name string The table on which the index is defined.
unique bool Indicates if the index enforces unique values.
index_name string The name of the index.
columns repeated Column The columns that are part of the index.
location int64 A numeric identifier representing the location or storage of the index.
index_type int32 A numeric representation indicating the type or mechanism of the index.


The Graph message will be used to represent the metadata of a graph entity. As of now, the structure is empty but it is expected to encapsulate various attributes and details about graph entities in the future.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
(To be added) (To be added) As of now, the Graph message is a placeholder and does not contain any fields.


The Document message will be used to encapsulate the metadata related to a document entity. The structure is presently empty, but it’s expected to be expanded with attributes pertinent to documents in future updates.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
(To be added) (To be added) At this moment, the Document message serves as a placeholder and does not possess any fields.

Relational Frame Messages

Messages related to relational frames as used to represent the results from the relational model.


The RelationalFrame message encapsulates the structure of a relational frame, which includes metadata about columns and rows of data within a relational table.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
column_meta repeated ColumnMeta A collection of metadata about each column in the frame. This provides details such as index, nullability, length, precision, and type information.
rows repeated Row The rows of data within the frame. Each row consists of a series of ProtoValue objects representing the values in the row.


The ColumnMeta message holds metadata related to a specific column within a relational table.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
column_index int32 Index of the column within the table.
is_nullable bool Indicates whether the column can contain null values.
length int32 The length of the column values.
column_label string Label associated with the column, if any.
column_name string Name of the column.
precision int32 Precision of the column, usually for numerical values.
entity_name string Name of the entity that the column represents.
schema_name string Name of the schema that the column belongs to.
type_meta TypeMeta Metadata describing the type of the column.
scale int32 Scale of the column, typically for numerical values.
namespace string Namespace the column resides in.


The FieldMeta message provides metadata for individual fields, which can be part of complex structures like arrays or structs.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
field_index int32 Index of the field within its containing structure.
is_nullable bool Indicates whether the field can contain null values.
length int32 Length of the field’s value.
field_name string Name of the field.
precision int32 Precision of the field, usually for numerical values.
type_meta TypeMeta Metadata describing the type of the field.
scale int32 Scale of the field, typically for numerical values.


The TypeMeta message is a comprehensive descriptor for the data types used within the system. This message not only defines simple data types but also accommodates complex types such as structures and arrays. Its flexibility allows it to describe a wide range of data types and data structures.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
proto_value_type ProtoValue.ProtoValueType Represents the fundamental data type of the value. This can be any basic data type depending on the definitions within ProtoValue.ProtoValueType.
struct_meta optional StructMeta If the proto_value_type indicates a structure, this field provides the metadata for that structure. Contains details about the fields within the structure. This field will be absent for non-structured types.
array_meta optional ArrayMeta If the proto_value_type indicates an array, this field provides metadata about the type of elements within the array. This field will be absent for non-array types.


The StructMeta message provides metadata specific to structured types, giving details about the fields that make up the structure.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
field_metas repeated FieldMeta A collection of metadata entries, one for each field within the structure. Each FieldMeta provides details like the field’s name, type, nullability, etc.


The ArrayMeta message provides metadata about array types, detailing the kind of elements they can hold.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
element_type TypeMeta This field describes the type of elements contained within the array. It uses the TypeMeta message, meaning an array can contain any data type, including nested arrays or structures.


The Row message represents a single row within a relational frame.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
values repeated ProtoValue The values within the row, represented as a series of ProtoValue objects.

Statement Messages

Messages related to statements in a query language and their results.


Represents a request to execute a statement without any parameters.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
language_name string Specifies the query language of the statement being executed.
statement string The statement to be executed.
fetch_size optional int32 (Optional) Number of rows to include into the response message of this call. More rows can be fetched afterwards.
namespace_name optional string (Optional) The namespace under which the statement should be executed.

If no fetch siz eis specified, a default value is used. If no namespace name is specified the namespace specified for the connection is used.


Encapsulates a batch of unparameterized statements to be executed.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
statements repeated ExecuteUnparameterizedStatementRequest List of statements to be executed.


Represents a request to prepare a statement for execution.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
language_name string Specifies the query language of the statement to be prepared.
statement string The statement to be prepared.
namespace_name optional string (Optional) The namespace under which the statement should be prepared.


Represents a request to execute a previously prepared statement by its ID, using indexed parameters.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
statementId int32 The unique identifier of the prepared statement to be executed.
parameters IndexedParameters The indexed parameters to be used with the statement.
fetch_size optional int32 (Optional) Number of rows to include into the response message of this call. More rows can be fetched afterwards.


Encapsulates a batch request to execute a prepared statement multiple times with different sets of indexed parameters.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
statement_id int32 The unique identifier of the prepared statement to be executed.
parameters repeated IndexedParameters List of sets of indexed parameters for multiple executions of the statement.


Represents a request to execute a previously prepared statement by its ID, using named parameters.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
statementId int32 The unique identifier of the prepared statement to be executed.
parameters NamedParameters The named parameters to be used with the statement.
fetch_size optional int32 (Optional) Number of rows to include into the response message of this call. More rows can be fetched afterwards.


Encapsulates indexed parameters for a prepared statement.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
parameters repeated ProtoValue List of values to be used as parameters, indexed by their position in the list.


Encapsulates named parameters for a prepared statement.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
parameters map<string, ProtoValue> Map of parameter names to their corresponding values.


Represents a request to close a statement.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
statement_id int32 The unique identifier of the statement to be closed.


Represents a request to fetch a batch of results for a previously executed statement.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
statement_id int32 The unique identifier of the statement whose results are to be fetched.
fetchSize optional int32 (Optional) Number of rows to retrieve in this batch.

If no fetch size is specified a default value is used.


Represents the response after executing a statement.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
statement_id int32 The unique identifier of the executed statement.
result optional StatementResult (Optional) The result of the executed statement. This could be a scalar value or a data frame, depending on the type of statement executed.


Encapsulates the result of an executed statement.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
scalar int64 A scalar result value, often used to represent the number of rows affected by an operation.
frame optional Frame (Optional) A frame of data, which could be a relational table, a graph, or a set of documents.


Represents the response after executing a batch of statements.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
batch_id int32 The unique identifier of the executed batch.
scalars repeated int64 List of scalar results for each statement in the batch.


Provides metadata about a prepared statement, including its parameters.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
statement_id int32 The unique identifier of the prepared statement.
parameter_metas repeated ParameterMeta Metadata about each parameter required by the statement.


Provides metadata about a single parameter of a prepared statement.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
precision int32 Precision of the parameter, typically used for numeric types.
scale int32 Scale of the parameter, typically used for decimal types.
type_name string The data type of the parameter.
parameter_name optional string (Optional) The name of the placeholder specified for this value.
name string The name of the parameter, if specified.


Represents the response after closing a prepared statement. The message is currently empty, indicating a simple acknowledgment of the action.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It simply serves as an acknowledgment.


Represents a frame of data that could be one of several types.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
isLast bool Indicates if this frame is the last in a series of frames, useful for paginated results.
result oneof result The actual data frame. It could be a relational table (RelationalFrame), a graph (GraphFrame), or a document (DocumentFrame).

This structure offers flexibility in representing different types of data responses, allowing for a more generic interface that can handle various data structures.

Transaction Messages

This section describes the messages involved in handling transactions.


Represents a request to commit a transaction.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It simply serves as an instruction to commit.


Represents a request to rollback a transaction.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It simply serves as an instruction to rollback.


Represents the response after attempting to commit a transaction.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It simply serves as an acknowledgment of the commit.


Represents the response after attempting to rollback a transaction.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
- - This message does not contain any fields. It simply serves as an acknowledgment of the rollback.

Value Messages

Messages used to represent the types and values of the polypheny proprietary type system.


This message represents a single value supported by the DBMS. It acts as a container bundling the representation of a value together with it’s type.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
type ProtoValueType An enumeration that signifies the data type of the value encapsulated in the value field. Identifies which field of the oneof is set.
value oneof A special field type in Protocol Buffers with multiple potential fields, but only one can be set at any given time. This field is used to store the representation used to store the data of the type specified in the field type. It’s possible values are listed below.

Available ProtoValueType values:

Enum Name Enum Value
MAP 34
ROW 46
ANY 55

Values available in the oneof value:

Value Name Protobuf Type Description
boolean ProtoBoolean Contains boolean values.
integer ProtoInteger Contains integer values.
long ProtoLong Contains long integer values.
binary ProtoBinary Contains binary data.
date ProtoDate Represents date values.
double ProtoDouble Contains double-precision floating point numbers.
float ProtoFloat Contains floating point numbers.
string ProtoString Contains string data.
time ProtoTime Represents time values.
time_stamp ProtoTimeStamp Contains timestamp values.
null ProtoNull Represents null values.
big_decimal ProtoBigDecimal Contains decimal numbers with arbitrary precision.
interval ProtoInterval Represents interval values.
user_defined_type ProtoUserDefinedType Contains user-defined type values.
file ProtoFile Represents file data.
list ProtoList Contains a list of values.
map ProtoMap Represents a map with key-value pairs.
document ProtoDocument Contains structured document entries.
node ProtoNode Represents a node in a graph.
edge ProtoEdge Represents an edge in a graph.
path ProtoPath Represents a path in a graph structure.
graph ProtoGraph Represents a graph structure.
row_id ProtoRowId Contains unique row identifier values.

This structure provides a versatile way to store and transmit various types of values. The use of the oneof keyword ensures that only one datatype is set at a given time.


Represents a boolean value.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
boolean bool A boolean value.


Represents a 32-bit integer value.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
integer int32 A 32-bit integer value.


Represents a 64-bit long integer value.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
long int64 A 64-bit long integer value.


Represents a binary data.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
binary bytes Binary data.


Represents a date as a 64-bit integer.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
date int64 Milliseconds since epoch till start of the specified day.


Represents a double precision floating point number.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
double double A double precision floating point number.


Represents a single precision floating point number.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
float float A single precision floating point number.


Represents a null value. This message doesn’t contain any fields.


Represents a string value.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
string string A string value.


Represents a time value with a specified unit of time.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
value int32 The value of the time, based on the unit provided.
time_unit TimeUnit The unit of time for the specified value. See TimeUnit enum for possible values.


Enumerates possible units of time.

Value Name Enum Value Description
UNSPECIFIED 0 Default, unspecified value.
YEAR 1 Represents a year.
MONTH 2 Represents a month.
DAY 3 Represents a day.
HOUR 4 Represents an hour.
MINUTE 5 Represents a minute.
SECOND 6 Represents a second.
QUARTER 7 Represents a quarter.
ISOYEAR 8 Represents an ISO year.
WEEK 9 Represents a week.
MILLISECOND 10 Represents a millisecond.
MICROSECOND 11 Represents a microsecond.
NANOSECOND 12 Represents a nanosecond.
DOW 13 Day of the week.
ISODOW 14 ISO day of the week.
DOY 15 Day of the year.
EPOCH 16 Epoch time unit.
DECADE 17 Represents a decade.
CENTURY 18 Represents a century.
MILLENNIUM 19 Represents a millennium.


Represents a timestamp value.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
time_stamp int64 The timestamp value in milliseconds since epoch.


Represents a BigDecimal value with specified precision and scale.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
scale uint32 The scale of the BigDecimal.
precision uint32 The precision of the BigDecimal.
unscaled_value bytes The unscaled value of the BigDecimal.


Represents a structured data type comprising multiple ProtoValue fields.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
fields repeated ProtoValue The list of ProtoValue fields within the structured type.


Represents an interval value using a BigDecimal.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
value ProtoBigDecimal The BigDecimal value of the interval.


Defines a user-defined type with a specified template and value.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
template map<string, ProtoValue.ProtoValueType> The template describing the data type.
value map<string, ProtoValue> The values corresponding to the user-defined type.


Represents a file in byte format.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
bytes bytes The file in bytes.


Represents a list of ProtoValue items.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
values repeated ProtoValue The list of ProtoValue items.


Represents a map of ProtoEntry items.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
entries repeated ProtoEntry The list of ProtoEntry items forming the map.


Defines a key-value pair using ProtoValue for both key and value.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
key ProtoValue The key of the entry.
value ProtoValue The value of the entry.


Represents a document consisting of multiple ProtoEntry items.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
entries repeated ProtoEntry The list of ProtoEntry items forming the document.


Represents an edge in a graph.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
graph_property_holder ProtoGraphPropertyHolder Holds graph properties for the edge.
source ProtoString Source node identifier.
target ProtoString Target node identifier.
edge_direction EdgeDirection (enum) Specifies the direction of the edge.


Represents a node in a graph.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
graph_property_holder ProtoGraphPropertyHolder Holds graph properties for the node.


Represents a graph entity with nodes and edges.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
id ProtoString Unique identifier for the graph.
variable_name ProtoString Variable name associated with the graph.
nodes ProtoMap Collection of nodes in the graph.
edges ProtoMap Collection of edges in the graph.


Represents a path through nodes and edges in a graph.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
nodes ProtoList Nodes present in the path.
edges ProtoList Edges present in the path.
names ProtoList Names associated with the path.
paths repeated ProtoGraphPropertyHolder Holds graph properties for the paths.
segments repeated ProtoSegment Segments that make up the path.


Represents a segment within a path in a graph.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
id ProtoString Unique identifier for the segment.
variable_name ProtoString Variable name associated with the segment.
source_id ProtoString Source node identifier for the segment.
edge_id ProtoString Edge identifier for the segment.
target_id ProtoString Target node identifier for the segment.
source ProtoNode Source node of the segment.
edge ProtoEdge Edge of the segment.
target ProtoNode Target node of the segment.
is_ref bool Indicates if the segment is a reference.
edge_direction ProtoEdge.EdgeDirection (enum) Specifies the direction of the edge in the segment.


Holds properties and labels for graph elements.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
id ProtoString Unique identifier for the holder.
variable_name ProtoString Variable name associated with the holder.
properties ProtoMap Dictionary of properties.
labels ProtoList List of labels associated with the holder.


Represents the row identifier.

Field Name Protobuf Type Description
row_id string The row identifier.


The ProtoInterface uses the function of gRPC to send additional values as part of the header together with the remote procedure calls. This is used from the client to the server to send the clientUUID with each call, so that calls can be linked to a client. On the way back from the server to the client the header is used in case of an error to transmit additional info. For this the following two context keys are used which must be used to add the respective data to the header or to read it.


Key name: clientUUID Type: Metadata.ASCII_STRING_MARSHALLER

A custom ClientInterceptor implemenation can be used to add the clientUUID to a call. An example of such an implementation is provided below:

public class ClientMetaInterceptor implements ClientInterceptor {
    private final String clientUUID;

    public ClientMetaInterceptor(String clientUUID) {
        this.clientUUID = clientUUID;

    public <ReqT, RespT> ClientCall<ReqT, RespT> interceptCall(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> method, CallOptions callOptions, Channel next) {
        return new ForwardingClientCall.SimpleForwardingClientCall<ReqT, RespT>(next.newCall(method, callOptions)) {
            public void start(final Listener<RespT> responseListener, final Metadata headers) {
                headers.put(Metadata.Key.of("clientUUID", Metadata.ASCII_STRING_MARSHALLER), clientUUID);
                super.start(responseListener, headers);

Error Details

This metadata key will automatically be generated by gRPC. To get it use the following java code. ErrorDetails is the java object created by the protobuf compiler from the message that contains the additional error information.

public static final Metadata.Key<ErrorDetails> ERROR_DETAILS_KEY = ProtoUtils.keyForProto( ErrorDetails.getDefaultInstance() );

The key generated above can be used to retrieve the data from the gRPC StatusRuntimeException as follows:

try {
        //execute a gRPC call that might fail...
        return blockingStub.someCallThatMightFail(...)
    } catch ( StatusRuntimeException e ) {
        ErrorDetails errorDetails =  Status.trailersFromThrowable( e ).get( ERROR_DETAILS_KEY );
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